Different spas, salons, and individual people offer several services to allow people to take care of their bodies and get pampered. Manicures and pedicures are the most popular services provided Find Vancouver Pedicure Here. In this article, we shall highlight the difference between manicures vs. pedicures.

Self-care has become a common thing in the recent past. Ladies and gentlemen have embraced taking care of themselves as a way to relax, relieve stress, and feel good about themselves. This embrace of self-care has led to the establishment of many beauty spas and has prompted salons to diversify their services to include some of them.

Most standard services are manicures and pedicures, and many people need clarification on the two. So, what is the difference between manicures and pedicures?

The part of the body involved

Manicures are primarily done on the hands, while pedicures are done on the feet. Whereas both are cosmetic procedures, they focus on different things. Manicures aim to enhance the looks of the hands and fingers, while pedicures focus on exfoliation.

One of the significant differences is what the process of getting manicures vs. pedicures entails. A manicure has fewer processes involved with it compared to a pedicure. Manicures begin with removing any nail products and cleaning up the nails, including cuticles. After the cleaning, the technician ensures the remaining cuticles are well placed and not peeling off the nail.

Trimming nails and shaping the nails happens next. For those who put nail extensions, they are installed at this point. When all is set, nail products such as nail polish or UV gel are applied.

Pedicures, on the other hand, are a lot different. They begin with exfoliation to remove dead skin and cuticles. Pedicures leave the feet smooth and soft. After the peeling of the skin, any nail products are removed from the toes and cleaned. The cuticles are then neatened, and nail products are applied. Some spas and salons offer massages with both manicures and pedicures.

Time and cost

As seen above, pedicures involve much more than manicures, making them take much longer than manicures. The length and the effort put into pedicures tend to make them more expensive than manicures.

Focus and end goal

Another big difference between the two aesthetic therapies is the end goal of the two services. Pedicures are more focused on skin care. Exfoliation and scrubbing are some of the most notable features of pedicures. That is skincare, and this makes pedicures more relaxing at the end of it all.

Manicures are based on appearance, offering options to enhance how a client’s fingernails look. Examples of these options are; extensions of the nails, more colour options, and an opportunity to include art and different designs with your colour. Manicures make clients feel good about themselves.

In conclusion, I hope we have answered the difference between manicures and pedicures. They serve different purposes, and we recommend getting both services and other beauty services offered.